Job crafting, positive psychological capital, and social support as predictors of job embeddedness on among clinical nursesꠓa structural model design. BMC Nursing. 2024
응급실 간호사와 응급구조사의 외상성 사건의 경험, 외상후 스트레스장애에 대한 지식, 태도 및 회복탄력성. 한국간호교육학회지.2023
Social jetlag and body mass index among shift-working nurses in Korea: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Kaowledge. 2023
Person-centred care among intensive care unit nurses: A cross-sectional study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 73 (2022)
Effects of Perceived Stress and Smartphone Addiction in College Students on Adjustment to College Life. Crisisonomy. 2022
Factors Affecting Depression in People Aged over 50 Living in One-person and Multi-person Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Crisisonomy.2022
Hospital nurses’ empathy and moral sensitivity toward elderly care: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management.2022
The multiple mediating effects of grit and learning agility on academic burnout and learning engagement among Korean university students: a cross-sectional study.ANNALS OF MEDICINE. 2022
Analysis of the 2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data - Compassion Satisfaction, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Burnout among NursesWorking in Trauma Centers: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021.
Intentions of frontline nurses regarding COVID-19 patient care: A cross-sectional study in Korea. Journal of Nursing Management. 2021
A qualitative study on the experience of acupuncture treatment in infertile women. Integrative Medicine Research. 2021
Effects of Aroma Inhaling on Blood Pressure, Stress and Sleep Quality in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated With Chemotherapy. Annals of R.S.C.B.2021
The Mediating Effect of Marital Intimacy on the Relationship between Spouse-Related Stress and Prenatal Depression in Pregnant Couples: An Actor–Partner Interdependent Model Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021
The Impact of Social Jetlag on Sleep Quality among Nurses:A Cross-Sectional Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
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간호사가 경험한 언어폭력이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향:회복탄력성의 매개효과 중심으로.임상간호연구. 2020
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대한심폐소생협회 한국형전문심장소생술 강사, 미국심장협회 전문심장소생술 및 기본심폐소생술 강사
자격 및 면허
Registered Professional Nurse in the U.S.A.(The University of the State of New York)
간호사, 중환자전문간호사,양호교사(보건복지부)
BLS,ACLS,KALS instructor( AHA & 대한심폐소생협회)
가족구성원의 입원으로 인한 가족의 스트레스와 대처방법에 관한 연구 (1991)
기계적 환기중인 중환자에서 환자 안전모델에 기반한 우발적 발관의 예측요인과 결과 (2013)
A clinical Data warehouse Analysis of Risk Factors for inpatient Falls in a tertiary Hospital: A case Control study, Journal of Patient Safety(2023).
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A comparative study on patient safety attitude between nurses and doctors in operating rooms, Journal of international medical research(2020)
Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Unplanned Extubation Based on Patient Safety Model in Critically Ill Patients with Mechanical Ventilation. Asian Nursing Research 11 (2017)
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미혼모를 위한 아동학대 예방 프로그램 개발 및 평가: 극복력 간호모델과 대처기술훈련 기반으로
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Il Tae Park, et al. (2019) Changes in the Reciprocal Relationship Between Parenting and Self-Awareness During Adolescence: A Longitudinal Analysis of National Big Data. Journal of pediatric nursing. 2019, 47, 51-57.
Il Tae Park, et al. (2020) Development and Effects of a Mobile Application for a Safety Incident Prevention among Hospitalized Korean Children: A pilot Study of Feasibility and Acceptability. Journal of pediatric nursing. 2020, 51, 69-76.
박일태 외 (2020) 양육 미혼모의 아동학대 예방을 위한 극복력 증진 영역 개발. 동서간호학 연구지, 2020, 26(2), 109-117.
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Il Tae Park, et al. (2021) The Hospital Safety Scale for Kids: Development of a new measurement tool for hospitalized children. Journal of Child Health Care. 25(1):146-160.
The trainer of ELNEC(End of Life Nursing Education consortium) Core
항암제(Doxorubicin) 사용 환자의 두부 저온 요법 적용이 탈모 예방에 미치는 효과
노인 당뇨병 베하스(BeHaS) 프로그램 개발과 평가
연구실적 및 저서
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The Associations among Diabetes Exercise Self Efficacy, the Needs for Exercise and Perceived Health Status in Patients with Diabetes(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Systems. 2017)
Influences of Patient-Healthcare Provider Communication and Diabetes Self-efficacy on Diabetes Self-Care Management( Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Systems. 2017)
Effects of a Peer-Delivered Health-Promoting Exercise Program for Community-Dwelling Elders( Research Journal of he Korea Convergence Society Volume 10(9): 3069-3073. 2017)
Motivational Interviewing to Improve Insulin Acceptance in Insulin-Naïve Korean Patients with Type 2 Diabetes( ADA,Diabetes 2018 Jul; 67)
Reliability and Validity of Korean version of Diabetes Empowerment Scale Short Form(Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing ,Nov 2017; 24(4): 296-303)
Factors Associated with Diabetes Self-Efficacy among Koreans( Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences / Volume 12 Issue 22, 2017 )
The Converge Effects of the BeHaS Exercise Program on Health Status, Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Female Elderly Who Live Alone in Community(Journal of the Korea Convergence Society Volume 9 Issue 3 P.111-119. 2018)
Convergence study of the Disease Management Educational Experience and Cardiovascular Health Behaviors of Elderly Living Alone having Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome( Journal of the Korea Convergence Society Vol. 9. No. 6, pp. 329-337. 2018)
Predictors of happiness among older Korean women living alone(Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2019 Apr;19(4):352-356.)
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Convergence Effect of Simulation on Women's Nursing Practice in Male Nursing Students (한국융합학회논문지, 11(11), pp.417-423 Nov, 2020 )
A study on Anxiety and Health Locus of Control of Waiting Patients for Hemodialysis (우송대학교 대학논문, 2020)
페미니즘의 이해(우송대학교 대학논문, 2020)
The Wilson Method of A Concept Analysis “Self-efficacy”(우송대학교 대학논문, 2021)
The relationship between diabetes empowerment, health awareness and diabetes self-care in elderly with diabetes (ICSMB;International Conference for Small & Medium Business, 2021, Vol.8 No.1 ISSN 2288-9876)
The Effects of Diabetes Empowerment and Health Perception on Diabetes Self-Care Behavior in Community Diabetic Elderly(Journal of Convergence for Information Technology,Vol. 11. No. 9, pp. 43-49, 2021)
Factor Associated with the Intention of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination with Nursing Students: Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior(Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, Vol. 12. No. 9, pp. -, 2021)
The Influence of Online Psychiatric Nursing Practicum including Virtual Simulation on Goal Commitment, Self-Efficacy, Critical Thinking Disposition and Problem-Solving Ability(Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, Vol. 11. No. 10, pp. 60-67, 2021)
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Factors affecting Health-Related Quality of Life (HINT-8) according to the degree of frailty in the elderly in Korea ( Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(4S) 421-430 2023 p 421 –430/ISSN 2368-7487)
30세 이상 성인 당뇨병 유병자의 치료와 조절(Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction Vol. 24, No. 7, 2024, pp. 263-272
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김지순 외(2016). 중년 이후 여성에서 삶의 질 저하에 영향을 미치는 요인:폐경 형태와 대사증후군 위험요인을 중심으로. 한국여성건강간호학회지, 22(4), 275-286.
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Nursing (Leadership, Management, Research and Medical-Surgical Nursing Care Management) and Educational Administration
Academic Background
Doctor of Education Major in Educational Administration Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Manila, Philippines June 2007 to October, 2015
Master of Arts in Nursing Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Manila, Philippines June 2002 to March, 2007
Job Experience
June, 1991 up to February, 2016 Guest Lecturer and Philippine Nurses Licensure Exam Reviewer Schools/Colleges of Nursing in the Phil. and Review Centers
Nov. 9, 2009 -Sept, 2014 Professorial Lecturer & Course Audit/Research Coordinator Arellano University - College of Nursing, Manila, Philippines
October 1, 2014 to March 3, 2015 Department Manager- Department of Personnel Management Chong Hua Hospital- Division of Nursing Fuente Osmena, Cebu City
June, 2010- Nov.2015 Part Time Professor/Adviser for Research Arellano University - Graduate School of Nursing Manila, Philippines
License or Certificate
Registered Nurse : Philippine Regulation Commission # 0157036 Health Care Provider and Instructor : American Heart Association Basic and Advance Life Support (July, 2016)
Research Publications and Presentations
nstitutional Research: "A Proposed Five-Year Strategic Plan for Arellano Univ. Colleges of Nursing of All Campuses SY 2012-2017"-bAugust 3, 2012 Published at The Magus Vol. 4 No.1 (2012) and on line publishing by C & E Publishing Inc.
Action Research: "Perceived Effectiveness of the Emergency Cardiac Simulation in the Acquisition of Nursing Skills Among Level IV Nursing Students In Arellano University Presented 2nd College Research Sharing in Arellano University, College of Nursing, Legarda, Manila April 19, 2013
Deweyan Perspectives in Nursing Education: Basis for a Skills Training Program in Arellano University- College of Nursing Presented in Arellano University- 1st Conference ?Call for Paper by the Society for the Philosophical Study of Education- Philippines March 16, 2013
"Perceived Effectiveness of Skills Enhancement Manual in the Acquisition of Nursing Skills Among Level IV Nursing Students In Arellano University Presented 2nd College Research Sharing in Arellano University, College of Nursing, Legarda, Manila April 19, 2013
"Shapes of A/The Teacher" - Presented in Arellano University, Legarda, Manila September, 2012 Published March, 2013 Arellano University-Graduate School Journal
Academic Publications (books and manuals)
Caregiving Book for Grade 11- Student and Teachers Manual (for the Philippines- Department of Education K-12 program)
Arellano University Research Center Manual for the College of Nursing, 2nd Semester SY 2009-2010
Arellano University CON Skills Enhancement Manual for Level IV Clinical Instructors and Students, 1ST Semester, SY 2010-2011
Arellano University Expanded Tertiary Education and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) for the College of Nursing MODULES, 1ST Semester, SY 2010-2011
September 2011- August 2014: PhD (Adult Health Nursing), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
September 2009- August 2011: Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
July 2001 - October 2005: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, (B.Sc, Nursing), College of Nursing, Christian Medical College & Hospital (CMC&H), Tamil Nadu, India
Job experience
Researcher, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, December 1-31st, 2014
Researcher, Institute of Advanced Machinery and Design, Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing Lab, Seoul National University, September 2014-November 2014
Registered Nurse, The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai, India, Registration Number: 76455, 7th June, 2007
Registered Midwife, The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai, India, Registration Number: 81411, 7th June, 2007
Member, Sigma Theta Tau International-Honor Society of Nursing
Pratibha Bhandari, et al. (2019) Assessment of Socio-Demographic Factors, Mother and Child Health Status, Water, Sanitation, and Hygienic Conditions Existing in a Hilly Rural Village of Nepal, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(20), 3965.
Y Kim, MY Kim, P Bhandari, S Choi. (2018) Experience of the waiting area as perceived by haemodialysis patients and family carers, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (2), 364-372
Pratibha Bhandari, Miyoung Kim. (2016) Self-care behaviors of Nepalese adults with Type 2 Diabetes- A mixed method analysis, Nursing Research, Vol 65 (3), 202-214
Bhandari Pratibha, Kim Miyoung. (2016) Predictors of health promoting behaviors of Nepalese migrant workers in Korea, The Journal of Nursing Research, vol24 (3), 232-239
Pratibha Bhandari, Translation and validation of the Nepalese version of the Perceived Health Competence Scale (2014), Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Vol 4 (4), 492-494
Dukyoo Jung, Younhee Kang, Mi Young Kim,Rye-Won Ma, Pratibha Bhandari (2016) Zero-Inflated Poisson Modeling of Fall Risk Factors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Western Journal of Nursing Research, Vol 38 (2), 231-247
Oh Seung Jin, Shin Sun Hwa, Go Gee Youn, Bhandari Pratibha (2014) The effect of job stress on health promoting behaviors among nurses: Mediating Selection, Optimization and Compensation Strategy, Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, Vol. 26 (2), 149-158
Bhandari, P. (2012) Stress and health related quality of life of Nepalese students studying in South Korea: A cross sectional study, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 10(26)
Younhee Kang, Miyoung Kim, Dukyoo Jung, Rye-Won Ma, Seung Jin Oh, Pratibha Bhandari (2012), Risk factor of falls among community dwelling older adults in Korea. International Council on Women’s Health Issues, Bangkok, Thailand
Bhandari, P; Kim, D.S., (2011) Current Issues and Challenges Related to Water Quality of Nepal in Comparison with Korean Situation, Journal of Korean Society on Water Quality, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.1-8
Research Grant
Development of m-health based smart interventions to promote cardiovascular and mental health of Asian migrant workers in South Korea. Funded by National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea (Grant No. 2020R1G1A1005581/ March 2020-August 2021)
경구투약 시범교육이 유아기 입원 아동 보호자의 투여량 소실과 투여이행에 미치는 효과. 고려대학교 대학원 석사학위논문(2016)
입원한 유아기 아동의 보호자를 위한 경구투약 시범교육이 투여량 소실과 투약행위에 미치는 효과(Effects of Skill Teaching of Oral Administration for Caregivers of Hospitalized toddler on Dose Loss and Administration Behavior).성인간호학회지 vol.29 No.4. 2017
Obstetric Nurse The Methodist Hospitals- Southlake Campus Merrillville, Indiana, U.S.A
자격 및 면허
Registered Nurse License- Illinois, U.S.A.
Graduate Research/ Presentation: Water immersion and its effects- retrospective study done to examine the effects of water immersion during labor , on outcomes such as duration of labor, apgar scores, episiotomy rat, and rate and grade of lacerations.
2012 The Singapore Experience in the Development of Innovation and Technology Transfer. Creation of Start-up's at Universities. Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research.
2012 Strategic Analysis, Decision Making and Innovation. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.
2008 The Organizational, Corporate and Business Culture in the Processes of Governance, Saint-Petersburg State University of Service and Economics.
Publication or academic presentation
Structural Analysis of American Mythology // Proceedings of IV of the All-Russian scientifically-methodical conference: "Innovations technologies in education and economy", Ufa: "RIO RUNMTS MO RB 2008. P.207-213.
System analysis in the humanitarian subject area // Proceedings of the IV All-Russian scientific-methodological conference: "Innovation and high technology in education and the economy." - Ufa: RIO RUNMTS MO RB, 2008. P.147-149
Cultural Studies in the Humanities / Culturology: textbook / ed. M.M. Karimova.- Ufa: Publishing House of Ural State Technical University, 2008. P.7-16
Categories of Cultural Studies / Culturology: textbook / ed. M.M. Karimova.- Ufa: Publishing House of Ural State Technical University, 2008. P.29-39
Automation of business project expertise using the hierarchy analysis method (MAI) // History of science and technology. No. 6, Special issue No. 2, 2012, P.64-73
Myth as a cultural phenomenon Training method. The Allowance. Ufa: Publishing House "XXI Century", 2009. - 48 p.
Ancient and modern mythology in world culture Training method. The allowance. Ufa: Publishing House "XXI Century", 2009. - 26 p.